Improve Clinical Training with Real Patient Cases. Anytime, Anywhere.
ReelDx brings the clinic right to your device. Students learn from real patients to better prepare them for their exams, clinical rotations, and health care careers.

Our institutional partners include forward-thinking clinical training centers such as:


Real Patients. Real Skills. No Clinic Necessary.
ReelDx video cases integrate flexibly into any aspect of your instruction, from first semester theoretical classes to simulations to clinical rotations. Our 700+ real patient cases can be used in-person or online, synchronously or asynchronously.

Start Clinical Training on Day One
With access to real patient video cases on-demand, students can start clinical training immediately.

Flip the Classroom without Hassle
Assign a case for asynchronous review, then use that case to drive engaging classroom discussions.

Build Real Clinical Skills with ReelDx Skills
Faculty can assign - and grade - student assignments, including SOAP Notes, SBAR, Vital Sign Interpretation, and Differential Diagnosis. OR, faculty can create their own questions and assessments using our Custom Skill feature.

20+ Courses on Nearly Every Specialty
ReelDx courses run the range from Introduction to Taking a Patient History to the Foundations of the Neurological System. Our courses are aligned to prominent curricula in the nursing, PA, EMS, and medical worlds.
How it works
Our library of 700+ real patient cases are HIPAA-compliant, peer-reviewed, and searchable by symptoms, specialty, location, demographics, and more. Assign individual cases or add them to a custom course to help our cases fit into your curriculum.

100% HIPAA
Every patient - or their parent/guardian - has given full consent. We rigorously follow HIPAA regulations.
Extensive Video
Case Library
Our cases cover 1,000+ symptoms and conditions and include vitals & demographics, differential diagnosis patient workup, and more.
Custom LMS
ReelDx can be integrated into most LMS systems, making it even easier to assign our cases and review completed Skills.
Our cases are peer-reviewed for accuracy and to ensure the highest standards of care.

Dr. Nelson Arellano
Medical Doctor

Start your free trial
We provide real case videos with a wide range of patients to help you achieve your goals.