Reel Emergency Episode #12 - Pediatric Emergencies: Different Cases, Different Approaches

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Mark your calendars! The next episode of Reel Emergency - Pediatric Emergencies: Different Cases, Different Approaches - is scheduled for Sept 7th at 11:00 a.m. ET. In this episode, Dr.Spiro will be presenting several ReelDx cases featuring pediatric emergencies for discussion.


Featured Cases

508 | Acute Onset, abdominal pain and vomiting
9 | Chronic Onset, abdominal and distention

About Reel Emergency Vodcast

Reel Emergency covers the latest evidence with real cases in emergency and critical care medicine. Produced in partnership with ReelDx, Handtevy, and 410 Medical.  CE available from Prodigy EMS at Subscribe to the Reel Emergency YouTube channel so you don't miss a single episode!

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