Using Patient Video Cases in Guided Classroom Discussions

In November 2022, ReelDx had the opportunity to present during a NAEMSE webinar, and were fortunate to be joined by Ted Lee, Program Director for the EMS program at Missouri Southern State University.

In this clip from that webinar, Ted provides some excellent ideas on how he uses ReelDx cases in his guided classroom discussions, and talks about the impact that being able to visually see how a patient presents has on his students. And, although Ted's expertise is in EMS education, the method he describes here would be equally at home in any healthcare classroom.

Ted's Tips for Guided Classroom Discussions Using PVCs

1. Pick cases that really tie in with the classroom work so that students get that real world application as quickly as possible.

2. Start by showing the video to students, then walk them through protocol; what are your treatment options? What do you think the DDx is? Allow the students to start thinking about the case critically.

3. Figure out ahead of time where you want to start and stop the video, pausing to ask the student's questions and getting their responses before moving on the next portion of the video.

4. Don't give the students access to the drawers to start. Make them ask you for the information they need to figure the case out, just as they would in the field. What vital signs do they want to get first? What tests would they run? This way, they get the clues in a more organic fashion instead of having it come at them all out once like a garden hose.

5. After you've revealed the information from the case drawers, ask the students if their decision tree has changed with this new information. Knowing what they know now, would they have done anything differently?

A nurse speaking with a patient

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